01 Apr, 2023
New feature

Password reset

Password reset is an important feature that we postponed in order to focus on the core of the product. Now it has been implemented.

29 Mar, 2023

Fixed bug preventing the addition of public keys to an SFTP user

There was a problem that prevented users from being able to add public keys to the profile of an SFTP user. Now it's fixed and more details about the key generation process have been added.

29 Mar, 2023

Fixed validation error when creating a new event listener

If you tried to create a new event listener without changing the type of the action, the validation silently failed.

29 Mar, 2023

Added more Key Exchange Algorithms

We added support for two additional Key Exchange Algorithms: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 and diffie-hellman-group14-sha

28 Mar, 2023

Fixed IDrirve E2 storage initialization problem

Some users reported that creating SFTP instances powered by IDrive E2 is returning a server error. The problem has been fixed.